
The management of relations between CIRES and its supplying partners deserves all the attention, due to the complexity and risks that arise from it, as well as the potential opportunities that can be explored at any moment, from the consultation process, negotiation, qualification, adjudication, supply and evaluation.

The objective of operational efficiency is inseparable from the basic assumptions of compliance, business continuity and sustainability, which are based on the principles of safety, environment, quality and to which ethics and respect for human rights are added. For this purpose, current and future partners must be aware of CIRES' Ethics Commitment.

CIRES ranks its suppliers annually, considering the assessment made upon receipt of each supply (supply factor) and the general assessment of the service in the year (service factor) based on the criteria established in the mechanism presented here:

CIRES is concerned that the technical and organizational capacity of its suppliers is demonstrated by completing the "Questionnaire for evaluation of suppliers", in which general information is requested and the management systems implemented, namely the essential aspects of its organization for quality , environment and security.

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